Big, Small Or In-Between: Your Nonprofit’s Board Size Is Up To You

When a nonprofit is new, it may struggle to find an adequate number of board members. But as it grows, its board is also likely to grow — sometimes, to an unwieldy size. The question is: How many directors does your organization need to effectively pursue its mission? Perks and drawbacks Both small and large […]

Established Nonprofits Must Continue To Build And Grow

If your not-for-profit was well-established before 2020, it has probably weathered the pandemic and economic stress of the past year-and-a-half better than younger organizations. But as you transition out of “survival” mode, challenges remain, including those faced by most nonprofits, such as finding staffers and fundraising in an inhospitable environment. Then there are obstacles specific […]

Preparing Your Nonprofit For An Enviable Challenge

Contending with a large outpouring of support sounds like a problem any not-for-profit would embrace. But, in fact, it’s possible to become overwhelmed by supporter interest and donations — particularly if your organization is small or relatively new. Expanded tax deductions for charitable gifts made in 2021 may boost giving this holiday season. Make sure […]

Getting Personal For Fundraising Success

According to a recent survey conducted by fundraising platform FrontStream, the vast majority (87%) of Americans say they’re donating to charity in 2021. And almost 20% claim they’re giving more this year than they did in 2020. However, remaining uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and the economy is making fundraising challenging for many not-for-profits right now. Social […]

Reaping The Benefits Of Cause Marketing

Starbucks, Nike, Pepsi, Uber and scores of other major companies regularly use cause marketing to burnish their image and reach customers. The not-for-profit organizations that partner with these companies can reap multiple benefits, including financial support and raised awareness of their mission. Cause marketing can take many forms, so it’s important to find both the […]