How to Achieve High Employee Engagement Levels

How would you define an engaged workforce? You might say it’s an environment where everyone involved feels valued and supported. Workplace engagement is a crucial aspect of business success. In fact, it’s so imperative that employee engagement has been shown to affect metrics like productivity, retention, and customer service. However, unfortunately, recent statistics indicate that […]

Don’t Panic! How to Handle an Employee Resignation

There are many reasons why an employee may quit: How you respond when someone quits makes a big difference to company morale and to your ability to prevent similar resignations in the future. Have a clarifying conversation with the employee. This is not a time for anger. Instead, be curious and respond to the news […]

Looking Over Your Team’s Shoulders

There is nothing so demoralizing as reporting to a boss who makes every single discussion feel like a performance review, wants every trivial decision green-lighted and signed off on, and makes every comment a nitpick. Often, these types of managers are not intrinsically hostile or malicious. Their obsessive modus operandi is more likely rooted in […]