If you own property and assets or have loved ones who depend on you to provide income or care, you should have an estate plan. However, some people hesitate to create one, fearing that taxes will eat up the lion’s share of their estate. But even though estate taxes are real and rates are high, […]
Tag: Trusts
What Are the Different Types of Trusts?
Trusts are used in estate planning to transfer assets to beneficiaries. Trusts have some advantages over wills, including skipping probate. That’s pretty basic. But it gets complicated when you try to figure out which type is right for you. Know the options available to help you make an informed decision. Living trust. You create it when […]
Estate Planning In A Socially Distanced Environment
As many states continue to struggle with the current surge in COVID-19 cases, the “new normal” demands continued social distancing in many areas of life. What does this mean for estate planning? Clearly, estate planning is as important today — or arguably more important — than ever. But how do you plan your estate and […]
Does Your Estate Plan Clearly Communicate Your Wishes?
Precise language is critical in wills, trusts and other estate planning documents. A lack of clarity may be an invitation to litigation. An example of this is the dispute that arose after Tom Petty’s death between his widow and his two daughters from a previous marriage. (The two parties have since resolved their differences and […]