There are many tax credits that business owners can take advantage of, and today we’re talking about the Disabled Access Credit. This is a credit specifically extended to business owners who employ people who have disabilities. What is the Disabled Access Credit? This is a nonrefundable tax credit put forth with small businesses in mind. […]
Tag: Tax Credit
Employee Retention Credit: What’s Happening Today?
Many businesses, their accountants and advisers have been wondering what’s happening with the employee retention credit, a refundable tax credit for businesses and tax-exempt organizations that had employees and were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In recent weeks, the IRS has been focusing on weeding out companies that applied but were not eligible. Copies of […]
Save for Retirement Now; Get a Tax Credit Later
A tax credit known as the Retirement Savings Contributions Credit is designed to offset a percentage of the initial $2,000 that taxpayers put toward their individual retirement accounts or other retirement accounts established through their employers. Also called the Saver’s Credit, this IRS-backed tax credit makes it possible for people with disabilities to contribute to […]
IRS Offers A Host Of Car Credits
Thinking of buying a new car in 2023? The IRS is on your side with some great credits, but you have to follow the strict conditions. Read below to see if you’re eligible. Credits for New Clean Vehicles Purchased in 2023 or Later If you buy a new plug-in electric vehicle (EV) or fuel cell […]
New Law: Parents And Other Eligible Americans To Receive Direct Payments
The American Rescue Plan Act, signed into law on March 11, provides a variety of tax and financial relief to help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the many initiatives are direct payments that will be made to eligible individuals. And parents under certain income thresholds will also receive additional payments in the […]