When you take out a mortgage loan, you’ll have to pay closing costs, the fees that your lender and other third-party companies charge for originating your home loan. These fees can run thousands of dollars, and you’ll typically have the option to pay them upfront as a single payment or roll them into your total […]
Tag: home buying
A Short Sale Can Mean a Bargain Price
A short sale occurs when a lender allows a homeowner to sell their house for less than what is owed on their mortgage. For example, if a homeowner owes $300,000 on their mortgage, in a short sale, they might sell their home for $250,000, or $50,000 “short” of what they still owe. Why would a […]
Homebuyers: Can You Deduct Seller-Paid Points?
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reports that existing home sales and prices are up nationwide, compared with last year. One of the reasons is the pandemic: “With the sizable shift in remote work, current homeowners are looking for larger homes…” according to NAR’s Chief Economist Lawrence Yun. If you’re buying […]