If you run a nonprofit or charitable organization, you generally don’t have to pay income or property tax, although there are exceptions, and even nonprofits have to pay employee taxes, […]
Tag: Form 990
How Nonprofits Should Handle Tax Form 990
Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, is the IRS’ method of evaluation to make sure your nonprofit is financially honest and legitimate. The form is required for […]
What to Know About Taxes and Nonprofits
Making money for stakeholders is the primary goal of for-profit businesses. Nonprofits are different: their primary goal is benefiting their cause. To qualify as a nonprofit, the entity must serve […]
Form 990: What Are the Filing Requirements?
Nearly all the approximately 1.74 million organizations recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS must file Form 990 or another form in the same series annually. Organizations making less than $200,000 […]
Tax and Nonprofit: The Strict Requirements
Nonprofit accounting may seem overwhelming at times, but it becomes easier once you begin to understand how finances function and move within your organization. By using this info, you can […]